So far, I have read 10 of the 12 books and definitely have plans to read them all. What is the 12th Twisted Tale book? What Once Was Mine is the 12th-installment in Disney’s Twisted Tales series.
What is book 1 in the Twisted Tale collection? A Whole New World (Twisted Tale Series #1) by Liz Braswell, Paperback | Barnes & Noble® It will be based upon the 2009 animated film, The Princess and the Frog. It will be released on Septemand is written by Farrah Rochon, who had not written a book in this series prior to this. What is the 13th Twisted Tale book? Almost There will be the 13th Twisted Tale in the A Twisted Tale Book Series. Have you ever found yourself wondering about the back story behind your favourite Disney heroines? … This series that turns the classic fairy-tales on their heads is a must for Disney fans and a delight for all Young Adult readers.

What if Belle’s mother cursed the beast?.What is book 1 in the twisted tale collection?.The sexual content, and the mature bits (alchoholic father, suicide, etc.) In the same way, What age are Disney Twisted Tales for? This book is good for 14+. What is the 13th twisted tale book? Almost There will be the 13th Twisted Tale in the A Twisted Tale Book Series. There are currently 12 books, with three more set to be released in 20. They are written by Liz Braswell, Jen Calonita, Elizabeth Lim and more recently Farrah Rochon. Then How many books are in the Disney Twisted Tales series? A Twisted Tale is an anthology series of books based around alternate “what-if” spins on classic animated Disney films.